Bookshelf — National Parks at Night

National Parks at Night Bookshelf

The world is full of books on every topic that humankind has ever been able to imagine. Below you’ll find some of our favorites on the topics of night photography, dark skies, national parks and more.

All of these books have been read and vetted by at least one of the five National Parks at Night instructors. These aren’t just titled we’ve heard about—they’re titles we’ve read and enjoyed, and we hope you will too.

The relatively short history of photography is rife with a relatively long list of excellent books that have fallen to the back shelf. Though some of these books are out of print, they are well worth keeping an eye out to find, whether on a used-book website such as Thrift Books or AbeBooks, or in used book stores, or at garage or estate sales, etc.

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Show your support for National Parks at Night’s workshop programs: If you purchase books via many of links below, our program receives a small percentage of the sales. Thank you!

National Parks at Night Instructors


Dark Skies

General Photography




Instruction (General)

Instruction (Night)


Light Reading


National Parks




Is it any surprise that Monographs would be the largest section on our book list? A good monograph celebrates an individual photographer’s work, whether on a specific project or theme, or across an entire career. Below are some of our very favorites.